Allergy Season in Vermont
July 6, 2023

More than 50 million Americans experience allergies each year. Now that warmer weather is here, plants have begun to pollinate, and allergies, also called “hay fever”, are part of our everyday lives.
Vermont is known for its foliage and natural beauty, which means it also has a high concentration of pollen. Allergies often have symptoms similar to illnesses and flus. If you are experiencing symptoms, please schedule a visit at Champlain Medical and we can diagnose your symptoms, and help you manage allergy season.
Allergies can occur anytime from early spring through the first frost in the fall. The highest pollen counts typically occur in April-July.
In Vermont, spring is the worst allergy season. The primary source of pollen in the spring are trees including oak, birch, maple, hickory, ash, cedar, willow, and mulberry.
Summertime means grass allergies. Wild grass is prevalent throughout Vermont. Among the primary culprits are ryegrass and timothy, bent, sweet vernal, orchard, fescue, and prairie grasses
When allergens are released into the environment, the body releases a substance called histamine. Histamine causes a variety of uncomfortable symptoms such as itchy eyes, coughing, sneezing and runny nose. What histamine does not cause, among many, are body aches, chills, and fever. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, or a mix of them, please contact Champlain Medical, and we can diagnose and recommend the best treatment.
Allergens by Region
Pollen producing plants vary within the state of Vermont. The specific species vary from region to region, but by and large what you are dealing with in Vermont is pollen from either trees or grass, which are plentiful in our beautiful state. If your symptoms of hay fever are persistent and causing you discomfort, please call Champlain Medical. We can direct you to an allergist and find the specific source of your allergens. We can also recommend a variety of medications to help alleviate symptoms.