March 11, 2020

The CDC website is a good resource you keep you up to date about what is going on with the coronavirus (COVID-19). Please click on the below links to view information. This information can change, so continue to check back on the website for updates.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19):
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about Coronavirus:
Steps you can take when sick:
We are getting requests at Champlain Medical Urgent Care about if we have the ability to test for COVID-19. At this time, only the Health Department Laboratory is performing testing for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). All requests for testing at the Health Department Laboratory must be approved by the Health Department team to coordinate submission and ensure that the appropriate infection prevention and movement restrictions have been put in place. Decisions on which patients to test should be based on clinical judgment and a history of possible exposure. The turnaround time for testing is 24-48 hours.
All travelers who have returned from China, Italy, South Korea or Iran in the last 14 days should call Health Department epidemiology and infectious disease staff at 802-863-7240 to discuss monitoring. If you develop symptoms of shortness of breath, cough or fever, and have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-10, contact your health care provider right away. They will work with your state’s public health department and CDC to determine if you need to be tested for COVID-19.
Call ahead before visiting Champlain Medical Urgent Care or other doctor’s office!
- If you have returned within the past 14 days from a country with a COVID-19 outbreak OR have been exposed to someone with confirmed COVID-10 disease AND are experiencing fever and respiratory symptoms such as cough, trouble breathing/shortness of breath, you should call ahead to the medical provider’s office for advice PRIOR TO visiting the medical office.
- If you have NOT recently returned from travel to a country with a COVID-19 outbreak or have NOT been exposed to someone with confirmed COVID-19 but DO have fever and respiratory symptoms, you should also call ahead to the medical provider’s office for advice PRIOR TO visiting the medical office.
If you still have questions after visiting the CDC website, please call our office. We are happy to help you navigate this emerging situation.
Be well.