Schools and Sports: New Guidelines in Vermont
October 7, 2020

Vermont has been opening up schools and sports amidst the Covid pandemic. With some of the lowest case counts in the country, the Vermont school system has deemed it safe to re-open schools with some specific guidelines.
The initiative is inspired by getting students back onto a regular schedule, and avoid the ramifications of a prolonged absence from in class teaching. So as long as the virus is trending downward in Vermont, normal school activity will continue to open.
Fall sports, for example, will be allowed to resume with certain parameters. Teams will be allowed to practice with protective faceware, and have scrimmages, but for the moment will not be able to play against other schools.
Vermont's tracing has been very effective, and Statewide tracing will remain in effect. Social distancing for young children will remain, and may be reduced to three feet. Parents, not the schools, will be expected to monitor their children with specific measures like taking and reporting temperatures each day.
In the event of an outbreak, or spread of the virus, school officials will make decisions on how to proceed on a case by case basis. In other words, the State government will not step in and shut entire districts down based on isolated spreading.
Vermont has had about 1,500 cases of Covid with less than 60 deaths.
The state recognizes that the reintegration of public schools will be challenging, and compliance across all platforms of public safety is crucial.
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